Proparco is publishing its third sustainability report, with figures to the end of 2020.This report presents the main results and actions we have taken to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Two other chapters are added with a focus on the monitoring of our interventions and an update on our approach to promote sustainable development in our operations.
Some figures:
- In 2020, Proparco passed the €2 billion mark in commitments for the second year in a row, including €755 million in Africa.
- Proparco has signed the financing of 57 new projects for which the ex ante impacts have been analyzed and accounted for, including 10 projects in fragile or conflict countries
- 2.6 million people will have new or improved access to an essential good or service within five years thanks to projects signed in 2020,
- More than 800,000 jobs supported within five years, 75% of which will be in low- and lower-middle-income countries and 31% of which will be in fragile or conflict-affected countries