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International development-policy goals have changed radically over the past two years with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on climate
change. In turn, France now aims for its official development assistance (ODA) to reach 0.55% of gross national income (GNI) by 2022.

AFD Group, the principal player in French development policy, designed its 2018-2022 strategy to meet these new challenges and goals. These strategic guidelines draw on a year of deep thinking and extensive consultation with French citizens and with AFD Group partners and civil society in France and in developing and emerging countries.

The AFD Group 2018-2022 Strategy rests on a vision of “a world in common” and five foundational commitments that underpin all actions:

100% Paris Agreement
100% social link
3D development thinking
Non-sovereign first
Partnership by design
Meeting these five commitments requires that AFD Group reposition itself and reorganize its activities into a new action matrix, in order to do more and better in areas where the Group has recognized expertise and legitimacy. The Agency thus aims to make development policy into a genuinely solidarity-based investment policy.

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