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Proparco has allocated a loan to AktivCo to enable the company to develop facilities in Madagascar and support local employment.
Client presentation

AktivCo, a subsidiary of Camusat Group, was set up in 2015. It supports telecom operators that want to outsource the energy supply of their telecom towers. This innovative segment is called T-ESCO (Telecom - Energy Service Company) and allows the owner of a telecom tower to subcontract the site’s electricity supply to a specialized third party responsible for deploying, financing and operating the electricity assets under a long-term contract. 

Project description

Proparco has allocated a EUR 4.3m loan to support AktivCo’s activities in Madagascar. It involves the installation of 4 MW of installed solar capacity and 35 MWh of batteries.

Project impact

This project qualifies as a “climate” project and will avoid 464 ktCO2 per year. 
The installation of hybrid supply systems will help:

  • Reduce the dependance of the telecommunications service in Madagascar on fossil fuels (use of hybrid systems to replace generators) 
  • Increase the capacity and quality of telecommunications services for people living in remote rural regions, by improving their reliability, and reduce regional inequalities

The project will also support 1,263 direct jobs (at AktivCo Madagascar) and indirect jobs (in the client’s value chain). 

The project will thereby contribute to the achievement of SDG 7 (“Affordable and clean energy”), SDG 8 (“Decent work and economic growth”), SDG 9 (“Industry, innovation and infrastructure”), SDG 10 (“Reduced inequalities”) and SDG 13 (“Climate action”).

Date of signature of the project
Climate co-benefit project
Financing tool
4 295 500 Euros
Amount of funding
EUR 4,295,500 loan
Financing details
Head office country
Project number