Anant Kumar

CEO and Founder


Anant Kumar launched the first LifeSpring Hospital in December 2005. Before this, he worked in social and rural marketing and social franchising. He continues to serve on high-level expert forums and committees to strengthen healthcare provision. He has been recognised as a TED India fellow and has won prestigious entrepreneurial and social entrepreneurship awards. HE is a management graduate from IRMA, and has a diploma in Health Care and Hospital Management from Symbiosis Institute, Pune, as well as certification in social entrepreneurship from INSEAD, Singapore.

Published articles


LifeSpring Hospitals  is an expanding chain of low-cost maternity hospitals that serves low-income women and newborns in India. It is a 50-50 joint venture between HLL Lifecare Limited (an Indian government enterprise) and Acumen Fund (a venture philanthropy organisation based in New York), a partnership which began in early 2008. LifeSpring currently has twelve 20-25–bed hospitals in Hyderabad, does 500 deliveries a month, and has done 20,000 to date.