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Secteur Privé & Développement 40
Proparco is publishing the 40th edition of its Private Sector & Development magazine, devoted to sustainable cities. This is an absolutely crucial issue given that by 2050, almost 70% of the population of developing countries will be living in cities.

Supporting the sustainable city means taking action across many sectors. A wide range of “municipal infrastructure” needs to be built and operated, including waste, water and sanitation systems, energy and communication networks, street lighting and social infrastructure (education, health, social housing, etc.). Mobility in and around the city also needs to be addressed, i.e., access by road, airport or port.

The need for investment in sustainable urban infrastructure is therefore massive. It is estimated at up to US$ 5,000 billion a year on a global scale. “The private sector plays a key role in this development by supporting and partnering local public policies. It strives to be an implementing partner alongside the public sector, which can then focus on seed funding (through project preparation facilities)”, says Emmanuelle Riedel Drouin, Head of Proparco’s Financing division in the editorial of this issue. 

This new issue of Private Sector & Development presents several examples of how sustainable urban projects are designed and rolled out. While there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution, the importance of a partnership-based approach is highlighted by all stakeholders. No one single player can shoulder the burden of urban development. Only genuine concertation between local authorities and business can ensure the effective deployment of sustainable and resilient urban projects.


Presentation of the magazine

By Christel Bourbon-Séclet, Director City Finance Programme at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, and Frédéric Audras, Head of the Urban Development, Planning and Housing Division at the Agence française de développement (AFD)