Renewable energies and energy efficiency

The Paris Agreement in 2015 reaffirmed the urgency of rapidly reducing global greenhouse gas emissions in order to achieve carbon neutrality in the medium term. To actively contribute to this huge challenge, Proparco has made promoting low-carbon development, resilient to the impacts of climate change, central to its strategy.

To meet the challenge of climate change and ensure access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy, Proparco main focuses are projects that aim to produce energy from renewable sources and energy efficiency. In 2023, Proparco committed €1.13 billion in financing with climate co-benefits, including €218 million with adaptation co-benefits.
Panneaux solaires
Our goal : 2bn earmarked for projects that contribute to the fight against climate change by 2020

An institution committed to the fight against climate change

Eolien Pérou

An institution committed to the fight against climate change

Proparco has made the investment in climate and biodiversity one of the three pillars of its 2023-2027 strategy, with the objectives of stepping up its action in favour of climate change mitigation or adaptation, helping its clients with their climate transition and promoting innovative solutions to protect the planet. 

In 2023, climate co-benefit financing accounted for more than 40% of Proparco's activity in 2023, representing an increase of almost 70% in volume terms compared with 2021 (i.e., from €0.67 billion to €1.13 billion). Proparco also continued its financial commitments to climate change adaptation with €218 million financing with adaptation co-benefits.

Interact Climate Change Facility

Installation des panneaux solaires

Interact Climate Change Facility

Working with its European partners, Proparco has also helped create a facility dedicated to cofinancing renewable energy and energy efficiency projects led by the private sector in developing and emerging economies: Interact Climate Change Facility. This stands as one of the most successful lender collaboration accomplishments to date.

Our main focuses

Eolienne avec le coucher du soleil derrière

Renewable energy production

Projects that aim to produce energy from renewable sources (wind, solar, hydro, biogas, biomass...).


Energy efficiency

Projects that aim to reduce consumption of conventional energy (building, industrial processes, transport...).


Access to energy

Projects providing energy access in remote regions (rural electrification, off-grid financing facility...).


Adaptation to climate change

Projects that aim to help populations adapt to climate change constraints (technologies that help to reduce water consumption or adapt to water stress...).

European Partnership for Climate

Panneaux solaires de Providencia Solar

A European partnership to mobilise businesses and investors against climate change

Climate change is one of the major challenges of the 21st century. International Energy Agency (IEA) has calculated investment needs, to avoid global temperature increase of more than 2°C, at USD 590 billion annually for OECD countries and USD 769 billion for non-OECD countries by 2035.

Private actors will be key players in the transition to more eco-friendly economies, by developing projects that have a "climate benefit" such as renewable energy projects, e.g. wind farms or solar power plants, or other projects that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHGs) emission.
To enable them to play their part as fully as possible, Proparco has stepped up for years its cooperation with its European counterparts (EDFI). Thanks to the partnerships, Proparco can take on larger-scale projects and mobilize greater financial resources.

Since 2009, their investments dedicated to climate change mitigation were quadrupled: from €517 million to €2,167 million for a cumulative total of 6,174 million.

Green Bonds


Using finance to promote climate solutions

Green bonds are a component of the fight against climate change in that they increase the funding available for low-carbon investment projects.

Green bonds clearly have the wind in their sales, with issuance in 2016 alone exceeding US$100bn, but they are still a rarity in emerging markets, not to mention developing economies.

  • Proparco invested in 2017 in the first green bond issuance by Banque Centrale Populaire (BCP), to promote sustainable, environment friendly projects in the country. Read more about this project
  • in 2017, Proparco has invested US$100m in Amundi Planet – Emerging Green One. The fund’s brief is to invest in “green bonds” to be issued by financial institutions in emerging and developing countries over the next seven years. US$1.2bn have already been committed to this new fund, making it the largest green bond fund operating in those geographies. Find out more

Like Amundi, Proparco and AFD belong to Finance for Tomorrow, an initiative launched by Paris financial market participants with the aim of promoting sustainable finance in France and abroad.

The Green, Social and Sustainability (GSS) bond market saw significant growth over the past years, with cumulative issuances reaching USD 1 trillion in 2020. 

Proceeds are exclusively used to finance or re-finance, in part or in full, new and existing eligible projects with positive environmental and/or social benefits. 

Through a technical assistance facility, Proparco supports partner banks in the development of GSS bond frameworks contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

€1.13 billion
in financing with committed climate co-benefits in 2023
tonnes of CO2 equivalent avoided over the next 5 years via 17 projects

Proparco's goal is to go even further. Proparco will draw on its expertise in “climate” finance to scale up its financial commitments for projects with lower emissions (mitigation) and models which increase resilience to climate change (adaptation).

In order to continue to mobilize private sector funds for the fight against climate change, Proparco will support new initiatives, such as the creation of equity investment vehicles for renewable energies, and the development of a syndication capacity, or the allocation of loans in the climate sector.

Proparco will finance climate change adaptation projects in order to help its clients establish new practices: direct financing or via credit lines to banks, by encouraging banks and microfinance institutions to develop products to finance their clients’ adaptation to hese new situations (particularly in the agricultural sector).

Interactive map
This map is illustrative and does not list all the projects funded by Proparco. Find the complete list of our projects on the portal
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Institutionnal publications

Proparco - Impact Report 2023

In 2023, Proparco reported record business with €2.7 billion in commitments, especially for Africa

Jun 2024
Institutional Documents

Propulse - Development of a Green, Social and Sustainability bond framework

The Green, Social and Sustainability (GSS) bond market saw significant growth over the past years, w

Jun 2021
Institutionnal publications

Financial institutions as key contributors to climate action

This brochure aims to sensitize financial institutions to their role in the fight against climate ch

Mar 2021
Private Sector & Development

Presentation of the Private Sector & Development #40 magazine

Christel Bourbon-Séclet, Director City Finance Programme at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, an

Jan 2024
Private Sector & Development

Private Sector & Development #40 - Sustainable cities: how private sector players are gearing up

By 2050, almost 70% of the population of developing countries will be living in cities. Deploying su

Dec 2023
Private Sector & Development

Presentation of the Private Sector & Development magazine n°38

To mark COP27, Proparco has released the 38th issue of its Private Sector & Development magazine

Nov 2022
Private Sector & Development

Private Sector & Development n°38 - Climate change adaptation: How the private sector is scaling up

To mark COP27, which will be held in Egypt from 6 to 18 November 2022, Proparco has released the 38t

Nov 2022

Gravita: eco-responsible lead battery recycler in India

Founded in 1992, the Indian group Gravita handles some 240,000 tonnes of lead-acid batteries every y

May 2024

Presentation of the Private Sector & Development #40 magazine

Christel Bourbon-Séclet, Director City Finance Programme at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, an

Jan 2024

REPLAY - Intervention of Proparco at Ambition Africa 2023

Watch the intervention of Myriam Brigui, Director of Internation Network Department of Proparco, dur

Oct 2023

REPLAY - Intervention de Proparco lors du ARE Energy Access Investment Forum (EAIF) 2023

Watch the intervention of Medjo Yolande Wafo, Investment Officer, Proparco, during the ARE

Jun 2023
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