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The download center gives access to information on Proparco’s strategy, operation and overall activity. Institutional documents can be downloaded (geographical scope, organization chart, etc.) on the governance of Proparco (internal rules, statutes, composition of the Advisory Investment Committee and its Board of Directors) and FISEA, on the overall and sectoral strategies, the policies of Proparco and the Group, and its intellectual production.
343 result(s) for your search
Proparco's Strategy 2023-2027 - Narrative
In response to the numerous challenges currently confronting the planet – economic and geopolitical crises, climate emergency, growing inequalities – Proparco is adopting Strategy 2023-2027.
Published in March 2023
Press release - Proparco launches its new 2023-2027 strategy: “Acting together for greater impact”
Proparco, a key stakeholder in the development sector, dedicated to private sector financing for over 45 years, currently operates in a complex international environment whose fragile equilibrium was once again severely disrupted in 2022. This context increases the need for urgent action and a clear vision of longer-term challenges. It also provides an opportunity for Proparco to thoroughly re-examine its own role and to forge a new strategic vision for the next five years underpinned by a single watchword: “Acting together for greater impact”.
Published in March 2023
Annual Report Independent Complaints Mechanism - DEG/FMO/Proparco - January/December 2022
As part of their commitment to act responsibly and transparently, in 2014, DEG and FMO established the Independent Complaints Mechanism (ICM) to ensure that individuals, groups, communities or other parties who believe to be adversely affected by a DEG and/or FMO-Financed Operation have the right to be heard and the right to raise complaints with both institutions, where they believe there has been a breach of the organizations’ policies or procedures.
Published in March 2023
Watch the intervention of Fadila Hamdane, Head of Manufacturing, Agribusiness et Services Division (Proparco), during the Ferdi conference: "L'entrepreneuriat agricole privé en Afrique et son financement", in February 2023.
A partir d'1h57
Published on 16 Mar 2023
Watch the intervention of Mehdi Tanani, Regional Head Central Africa (Proparco), during the event Invest In Cameroun on February 2023.
Published in March 2023
Consulted 0 times
Experts Insights - Trade Finance Guarantee Programme
Many companies in emerging markets lack access to financing for their import operations. While they are a key driver of trade, employment and economic development, it is the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that face the greatest obstacles in accessing affordable financing.
In line with its willingness to support the growing integration of emerging countries into world trade, Proparco has developed the Trade Finance Guarantee (TFG) programme.
Published in March 2023
Proparco's Trade Finance Guarantee Programme
International trade is an important driver of economics development. By securing the trade-related payment obligations of approved financial institutions in emerging markets, Proparco's Trade Finance Programme supports growth and competitiveness of local SMEs.
Published in February 2023
Watch the intervention of Babacar Seck, Senior Investment Officer (Proparco), during the Africa Tech Summit London in November 2022.
Published in February 2023
ICM complaint #21-001 - Preliminary Review Report
On 25 February 2021, the Complaints Offices of FMO, DEG and Proparco (collectively, “the DFIs”) received a complaint containing allegations of harm caused by the New Liberty Gold Mine (“Complaint”), an open pit mine located in Western Liberia and operated by Bea Mining Mountain Corporation (BMMC or “the Company”), a 100% owned subsidiary of Avesoro Resources Inc. The Complaint states that the DFIs are exposed to the Mine through their financial intermediary investment in the South African FirstRand Bank which in turn financed the New Liberty Gold Mine.
Published in February 2023
Watch the intervention of Babacar Seck, Senior Investment Officer, Private Equity & Venture Capital (Proparco), during the Africa Tech Summit Nairobi of February 2023.
Published in February 2023
Proparco Exclusion list
The objective of the exclusion list is to clearly indicate the activities that the Group refuses to finance due to ethical, regulatory, environmental or social criteria, and arising from the application of normative requirements as well as its strategic choices.
The present exclusion list is a result of cross-cutting work by the Group and is applied by its member entities: AFD and its subsidiaries Proparco and Expertise France. The list concerns all of the new financing granted in foreign States and in Overseas France.
Published in January 2023
In South Africa, Proparco, on behalf of AFD Group, has provided a $100 million climate finance-dedicated credit facility to FirstRand Bank Limited (FRB). Details with Tessa Macnab, Investment Officer at Proparco.Learn more
Published in November 2022
Consulted 0 times
Presentation of the Private Sector & Development magazine n°38
To mark COP27, Proparco has released the 38th issue of its Private Sector & Development magazine: "Climate change adaptation: how the private sector is scaling up".
Madeleine Portmann, Senior Investment Officer (Proparco), and Alexandre Leyvastre, Impact Officer (Proparco), explain what climate change adaptation means and introduce solutions developed by the private sector and highlighted in the magazine.
Published in November 2022
Private Sector & Development n°38 - Climate change adaptation: How the private sector is scaling up
To mark COP27, which will be held in Egypt from 6 to 18 November 2022, Proparco has released the 38th issue of its Private Sector & Development magazine dedicated to climate change adaptation. Through analyses from experts in the sector (think tanks, donors, entrepreneurs, etc.), this latest issue presents the drivers for action of Development Finance Institutions and the private sector faced with the challenges of the climate crisis.
Published in November 2022
Proparco Financial Report 2021
Download Proparco's 2021 Financial Report in English and French.
Published in October 2022
The members of the Risk and audit committee
Proparco Risk and audit committee as of October 1st 2022
Published in October 2022
Consulted 0 times
TEASER - Proparco and AB BANK promote financial inclusion for rural and isolated populations
In Zambia, more than half the population lives in rural areas and 3.1 million people do not have access to a banking service. AFD Group supports AB Bank Zambia, the only bank financing Zambian MSMEs in the development of their digital offer to promote the inclusion of rural and isolated populations. AB BANK is a partner of Choose Africa.
Published in September 2022
Watch the intervention of Denis Sireyjol from Proparco at the 3Zero World Forum 2022 on the panel Fostering an inclusive and sustainable development through SDG-aligned investments.
Published in September 2022
2021 Universal Registration Document
Eighty years after its creation by General de Gaulle on 2 December 1941, the AFD Group continues its relentless quest for impact. It is in this spirit that AFD, guided by the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, maintained a very high level of approvals in 2021, to the tune of €12.1bn, to finance nearly 1,000 projects in 115 countries.
Published in September 2022
Consulted 0 times
Proparco, serving the private sector and sustainable development
Proparco is the private sector financing arm of Agence Française de Développement Group (AFD Group). It has been promoting sustainable economic, social and environmental development for 45 years.
Proparco provides funding and support to both businesses and financial institutions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle-East. Its action focuses on the key development sectors: infrastructure, mainly for renewable energies, agribusiness, financial institutions, health and education.
Published in September 2022