Download center
The download center gives access to information on Proparco’s strategy, operation and overall activity. Institutional documents can be downloaded (geographical scope, organization chart, etc.) on the governance of Proparco (internal rules, statutes, composition of the Advisory Investment Committee and its Board of Directors) and FISEA, on the overall and sectoral strategies, the policies of Proparco and the Group, and its intellectual production.
2 result(s) for your search
Supporting responsible microfinance in rural areas in Morocco
Published on 15 May 2019
Private sector crucial to resolve housing challenges

Decent, affordable housing is crucial to development. It determines living standards; its location affects employment opportunities, while its mass construction can generate thousands of jobs. In most poor countries, however, both public policies and commercial organizations have largely mimicked the processes of highincome countries, catering only for their elites. This has led to ordinary people being marginalized, with millions condemned to self-built structures in informal settlements.
Published in July 2014