Download center
The download center gives access to information on Proparco’s strategy, operation and overall activity. Institutional documents can be downloaded (geographical scope, organization chart, etc.) on the governance of Proparco (internal rules, statutes, composition of the Advisory Investment Committee and its Board of Directors) and FISEA, on the overall and sectoral strategies, the policies of Proparco and the Group, and its intellectual production.
4 result(s) for your search

Watch the intervention of Diane Jegam, Proparco Regional Director for South Asia, during the Global Inclusive Finance Summit 2023 organised in New Delhi, on the panel: "Microfinance for Climate Adaptation and Resilience"
Published in December 2023
Flyer Proparco in Pakistan
Proparco is present in Pakistan since 2007. Our mission is to support the private sector with debt, equity, and guarantees products to promote sustainable and inclusive development. Proparco partners with Pakistan on its mission to achieve strong economic growth as well as to improve social
and environmental conditions.
Published in August 2020
Consulted 0 times
Presentation video - Private Sector and Developpement number 33 : Harnessing the private sector to reduce gender inequality
On the occasion of International Women's Day, the new issue of the magazine Private sector and Development focuses on the role of the private sector in reducing gender inequalities in developing countries. Despite increased awareness since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration of 1995 and the progress made, women worldwide still face a multitude of inequalities, and at the current rate the gender gap would take around a hundred years to be completely closed.
Published in February 2020
Golden Rice is a company based in Cambodia, specialized in processing, milling and retailing fragrant rice. Its activities supports the employment of over 70.000 small-scale rice producers. Since its creation in 2009, Proparco has been supporting Golden Rice through two financing solutions: loans and technical assistance.
Published on 24 Jan 2020