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The download center gives access to information on Proparco’s strategy, operation and overall activity. Institutional documents can be downloaded (geographical scope, organization chart, etc.) on the governance of Proparco (internal rules, statutes, composition of the Advisory Investment Committee and its Board of Directors) and FISEA, on the overall and sectoral strategies, the policies of Proparco and the Group, and its intellectual production.
79 result(s) for your search
ODDO BHF Joins Proparco's Trade Finance Guarantee Program to Support Trade Flows to Africa
ODDO BHF, a Franco-German financial group, is joining Proparco’s Trade Finance Guarantee Program as a confirming bank, strengthening its role in international trade finance, especially in Africa. This partnership enhances ODDO BHF’s confirmation capabilities through Proparco’s network of issuing banks.
Published on 20 Dec 2024
Kasada has secured a strategic partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to create a large hotel portfolio in Sub-Saharan Africa through a US$160 million debt facility, of which a US$80 million senior loan was disbursed by IFC and Proparco to finance the first transaction of the fund.
Published on 27 Jul 2021
Proparco vient d’entrer à hauteur de 10 % au capital de Finafrica, afin d’accompagner la croissance du groupe panafricain. Créé en 2018 par le Groupe Duval, entreprise familiale, Finafrica offre des services de microfinance et d’assurance, qui facilitent l’inclusion financière et assurantielle des entrepreneurs en leur proposant des solutions de financement et une protection contre les aléas de la vie.
Published on 25 Mar 2024
Consulted 0 times
Replay - Intervention de Françoise Lombard au Africa CEO Forum 2024
Découvrez l'intervention de Françoise Lombard, Directrice Générale de Proparco, lors du Africa CEO Forum 2024, organisé à Kigali, au Rwanda, le 16 et 17 mai.
Published in June 2024
At a time when the global health community is gathered in Paris for the launch of the African Vaccine Manufacturing Accelerator (“AVMA”), which is expected to support and increase African vaccine production, IFC, Proparco - the French Development institution, DEG - the German development finance institution, and the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) today reaffirm their commitment to supporting local manufacturing capacities for the development of vaccines for African countries.
Published on 21 Jun 2024
La communauté mondiale de la santé est réunie à Paris pour le lancement de l’African Vaccine Manufacturing Accelerator (AVMA), une initiative qui devrait permettre de soutenir et d’accroître la production de vaccins en Afrique. A cette occasion, la Société financière internationale (IFC), membre de la Banque Mondiale, Proparco, filiale de l’Agence française de développement, la DEG, son homologue allemande, filiale de la KFW, ainsi que l’International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) des États-Unis réaffirment leur volonté de soutenir les capacités de fabrication locale de vaccins destinés aux pays africains.
Published on 21 Jun 2024
En investissant 7 millions de dollars dans le développement d’une plateforme d’universités qui couvre plusieurs pays d’Afrique sub-saharienne (Africa Education Holdings ; AEH), Proparco favorise la croissance d’une offre éducative de qualité adaptée aux besoins des tissus économiques locaux.
Published on 11 Sep 2019
This loan is part of a $200 million syndicated loan facility arranged by the Dutch development bank FMO. Beside FMO and Proparco, DEG, BIO and OeEB participate in this financing which illustrates the coordination between - and cumulative impact of - European Development Finance Institutions (EDFIs).
Published on 21 Dec 2017
Page Grand Angle
Providing Education for All in Sub-Saharan Africa
Education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Today, 127 million children and adolescents are deprived of education and 250 million children cannot read or write.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 aims to ensure access to quality education for all and to promote lifelong learning opportunities.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 aims to ensure access to quality education for all and to promote lifelong learning opportunities.
Published on 03 Jan 2018
A travers un prêt de 60 millions de dollars accordé à la West Indian Ocean Cable Company (WIOCC), société panafricaine d'infrastructures de télécommunications, Proparco réaffirme son engagement en faveur de l'innovation et de la croissance économique sur le continent africain.
Published on 05 Oct 2020
Nos solutions de financement et d’accompagnement dédiées aux pme en Côte d'Ivoire
L'Afrique est au coeur des priorités de Proparco et de sa maison-mère, l’Agence Française de Développement. A ce titre, la nouvelle initiative Choose Africa, mise en oeuvre par le groupe AFD, mobilise 2,5 milliards d’euros d’ici 2022 pour contribuer à l’essor du secteur privé, en plaçant l’accélération de la croissance des start-up et PME africaines au coeur d’un programme d’envergure.
Published in December 2019
To meet the needs of entrepreneurs, particularly at the start of their ventures, the Choose Africa initiative will now offer African startups financing and assistance tailored to early-stage development. A total of €130 million will be deployed between now and 2025 in support of African digital startups through collaboration between Digital African and Proparco.
Published on 08 Oct 2021
French Development Finance Institution Proparco invests 25 MUSD in Serengeti Energy, a Sub-Saharan hydro and solar-specialized independent power producer which develops, constructs, owns and operates grid-connected renewable energy resources in a region that is currently heavily dependent on fossil fuels.
Published on 02 Jun 2022
Proparco investit 25 MUSD dans Serengeti Energy, un producteur d'électricité indépendant spécialisé dans l'hydroélectricité et le solaire en Afrique subsaharienne, qui développe, construit, possède et exploite des ressources d'énergie renouvelable connectées au réseau dans une région actuellement fortement dépendante des combustibles fossiles.
Published on 02 Jun 2022