Private Sector & Development magazines


Private Sector & Development magazines

Published since 2009, Private Sector & Development (PS&D) is a half-yearly magazine that aims to get a better grasp of the mechanisms through which the private sector can contribute to the development of southern countries. In each issue, PS&D compares the views of authors in different fields: researchers, private sector’s professionals, development institutions or civil society. The idea of the Private Sector & Development magazine is to share know-how and best practices and boost sustainable development by encouraging private investment. The magazine spotlights the experience of Proparco and its private-sector partners.

# 22

Scaling-up private sector climate finance

Published on

This twenty-second issue of Private Sector & Development investigates the private sector’s role in financing the energy transition, exploring pathways for achieving the expansion that is so crucial for our future.

# 20

Unlocking the potential of the private sector to improve

Published on

Depuis le Forum mondial sur l’éducation de Dakar en 2000, des progrès considérables ont été réalisés dans l’accès à l’éducation, mais souvent au détriment de la qualité : classes surchargées, infrastructures vétustes, pénuries d’enseignants qualifiés, matériel pédagogique insuffisant...

# 18

Indepedent power producers: a solution for Africa?

Published on
Secteur Privé & Développement

This issue explores the benefits and the requirements of increased intervention in electricity production by the private sector. Developing efficient public-private partnerships would seem to be the best solution for confronting the major challenge of sub-Saharan Africa’s energy deficit.