Private Sector & Development magazines


Private Sector & Development magazines

Published since 2009, Private Sector & Development (PS&D) is a half-yearly magazine that aims to get a better grasp of the mechanisms through which the private sector can contribute to the development of southern countries. In each issue, PS&D compares the views of authors in different fields: researchers, private sector’s professionals, development institutions or civil society. The idea of the Private Sector & Development magazine is to share know-how and best practices and boost sustainable development by encouraging private investment. The magazine spotlights the experience of Proparco and its private-sector partners.

# 26

African port: Gateway to development

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This 26th issue focuses on the African port sector. The magazine features analyses provided by experts from ISEMAR, SETRAG, Jeune Afrique and AFD, to get an insight into this rapidly growing sector that is so vital for the Continent’s future growth and development.

# Special Issue

Independant power producers: a solution for Africa?

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Demand for electricity in sub-Saharan Africa is growing fast – driven primarily by economic growth and by policies for widening access to electricity – and yet production capacity has developed very little since the 1990s. Focus in this issue.

# 24

Air transport, a vital challenge for Africa

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Air transport in Africa still does not count for much on a global scale. However, strong GDP growth, the continent’s fast-growing urbanisation and the expansion of the middle classes – who want to travel – are likely to shake up this situation.