
An institution commited to promoting a responsible private sector

As a development finance institution, Proparco’s role is to support economic and financial actors who are committed to a responsible, ethical and transparent entrepreneurial approach.
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Deux personnes en habits de contruction en train de se parler
Hommes de d'eau portant des casques et gilets de sécurité dans le désert


In addition to its contribution to economic development through wealth and job creation, infrastructure construction and the integration of countries into world trade, the private sector, in the North and South alike, has a broader social responsibility: sustainable and inclusive development requires a commitment by companies and financial institutions to act in a responsible manner.
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AB Zambie - Proparco


Through its funding, Proparco seeks to identify and support as many positive sustainable development impacts as possible.
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Deux femmes regardant un écran d'ordinateur

Financial security

Corruption, fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing, anti-competitive practices, as well as any form of misappropriation of funds allocated to the private sector by Proparco, can cause long-lasting damage to AFD Group by tarnishing its credibility and legitimacy and reducing the outreach of its financing.
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Une personne entrain de souder un immense tuyau pour l'eau


Proparco has adopted a mechanism to release information on its operation and activity. It will allow stakeholders to gain a better understanding of the institution’s vision, mandates and action.

This approach fits in with AFD Group’s transparency policy.
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Independant Complaints Mechanisms (ICM)

Proparco set a Mechanism where individuals, groups, communities or other parties who believe to be adversely affected by a project financed or planned by Proparco can make a complaint and will be heard by independent experts.

Individuals, groups, communities or other parties who believe to be adversely affected by a project financed or planned by Proparco can make a complaint and will be heard by independent experts.

The Independent Complaints Mechanism is a joint initiative with DEG - Deutsche Investitions und Entwicklungsgesellschaft and FMO - Netherlands Development Finance Company.

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