Private Sector & Development magazine articles

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  • -Tout-
  • COVID-19
  • Socioeconomic and territorial equality
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  • Innovative start-ups
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A concession success story: the private sector’s role in water and sanitation in Manila

Virgilio C. Rivera Jr. Manila Water Company Inc.
Photo of boats in Manila, Philippines
Prior to 1997, the East Zone of Metro Manila was faced with numerous water problems, for example only 26% of the area’s population had access to a continuous water supply. However, the city was able to overcome this serious problem with the emergence of Manila Water whose efforts led to a significant overall improvement in water supply and sanitation services.
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Stimulation, innovation and development: Brazil’s BNDES at the forefront

Eduardo Nali BNDES
Brésil - Favela Manguera


BNDES, a public bank, is Brazil’s main longterm credit provider. It supports economic policy through financing for companies, PPPs, and projects. It offers direct financing, on-lending to MSMEs, guarantees, and capital market investments. BNDES also provides grants...

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Drinking water for all: the work of Águas do Rio in Brazil

Favela de Mangueira
As part of the programme to privatise water and sanitation services in the State of Rio, the private company Águas do Rio - supported by IDB Invest and Proparco - was awarded management of two concessions in 2021, covering areas where almost 10 million people live. Connection to a reliable water network, managed using leading-edge technology, has revolutionised the lives of local residents, mainly in a number of Rio’s favelas. Report.
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The global drinking water and sanitation challenge: doing more, faster!

Gérard Payen French Water Partnership
Eau potable
Although access to safe drinking water and sanitation are clearly human rights, these needs are far from being met. For some populations, they are even deteriorating - because demand is growing faster than supply. To meet this challenge, a results-based approach needs to be adoptedeverywhere and the different sector stakeholders need to look beyond their own interests in favour of collective goals, and funding needs to drive ‘leverage effects’ to facilitate many more initiatives.
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Getting it right: private sector participation in the water sector

Sophie Trémolet OECD
Eau et assainissement - Infrastructures
Attracting private sector participation to the water sector is key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Successful experiences abound, as described in this issue. However, as investment levels remain low, clarifying the contracting parties’ expectations upfront and establishing the right enabling environment (including regulatory frameworks) is key to increasing participation.
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Financing MSMEs in crisis situations: ACME’s experience in Haiti

Sinior Raymond ACME
Marie Pascale Théodate ACME
Port-au-Prince, Haït
It is essential to continue supporting micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in conflict zones, as they create both jobs and wealth however, credit financing means that financial institutions have to take on a very high level of risk, as the ongoing situation has a huge impact on loan repayment rates. However, solutions do exist, as illustrated by the experience of ACME, a Haitian microfinance institution (MFI).
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FISEA: venture capital for fragile countries

Charline Jan Proparco
Democratic Republic of Congo
Facilité d’Investissement et de Soutien aux Entreprises en Afrique (FISEA - Facility for investing in and supporting African business) is one of the first venture capital investment initiatives set up by AFD Group to support fragile countries. It was launched in 2009 and topped up in 2021 as part of the Choose Africa initiative. The initiative currently totals €490 million, part of which is earmarked specifically for investments in fragile countries.

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How to invest responsibly in fragile and conflict-affected settings?

Josie Lianna Kaye TrustWorks Global
Benjamin Miller TrustWorks Global
Fragile and Conflict-affected Settings (FCS) may be characterized by illegal armed groups, organized crime and violence, ethnic and sectarian tensions, inapt land tenure regimes, corruption, and interwoven legal, informal, and illicit economies. In such a setting, investment, job creation and economic growth may not by themselves mitigate conflict and fragility or make societies more peaceful and stable. Investors who do not account for these characteristics of FCS may inadvertently sustain the very forms of fragility and conflict that they hope to transform. Conflict-sensitive approaches are, therefore, imperative.
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The ARIA initiative: enabling DFIs to extend their vital role to Africa’s frontier markets

Vivianne Infante British International Investment
Alex Kucharski British International Investment
landscape of Addis Abeba
Development finance across Africa is unevenly distributed, with 25 of its smallest economies receiving only 4% of investments since 2010. Yet, the Africa Resilience Investment Accelerator initiative (ARIA) is showing that focus, resources and collaboration can enable greater investment in these ‘frontier’ markets, by addressing both the internal (DFI-specific) and external (country-specific) challenges.
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