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Couverture du numéro de la revue Secteur privé et développement consacré à la gouvernance d'entreprise
The new issue of Proparco's Private Sector and Development magazine focuses on the issues and challenges of a key topic for business growth: governance. Good governance practices play a fundamental role in ensuring the sustainability of companies and confidence from lenders and investors. As a development financial institution, Proparco ensures that these best practices are implemented by its clients. This is why we wanted an issue of our review "Private Sector & Development" to be devoted to it.

These best practices were formalised in the 1990s and 2000s, when economic players became aware that the organisation and balance of power, transparency and management control were factors of sustainability and added value for the company. Since then, more recent developments indicate an increasing integration of environmental and social concerns into governance practices to meet the requirements of creditors and society.

While these good practices have proved their worth and are now recognized worldwide, their implementation varies and affects the success of companies, particularly in developing countries.

This new issue of Proparco's Private Sector and Development magazine gives a voice to investors and entrepreneurs who provide insights and concrete testimonies on the impact of good governance on start-ups, SMEs and large companies. It highlights the initiatives and avenues of reflection undertaken to adapt governance structures to the growth of companies in developing countries.

To extend the debate, Proparco is organizing a conference on this topic in Abidjan on December 12, in partnership with INAD-CI, BRVM and CGE-CI. The day will be organised around a morning of exchanges and an afternoon reserved for B2B meetings. The morning round tables will provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange views on topics such as the transfer of companies or the opening of capital to investors. 

Program and registration on: http://bit.ly/ConferenceGouvernance

Read and download the journal in French or English